Details for America's Second Transcontinental Railroad

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5229000148


Marker Number 148
Atlas Number 5229000148
Marker Title America's Second Transcontinental Railroad
Index Entry America's Second Transcontinental Railroad
City Sierra Blanca
County Hudspeth
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 465888
UTM Northing 3449043
Subject Codes railroads
Marker Year 1968
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location at intersection of Business IH-10 and FM 1111, Sierra Blanca
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text (Joined Here in 1881) Great achievement in American history. Victory for statesmen, including Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, who early as 1845 had supported in the United States Congress the idea of a transcontinental railroad. This was effected in 1869, but a need remained-- as advocated in the Congress-- for a southern route. In 1869 the Southern Pacific began constructing such a line eastward from the west coast. In 1871 the Texas & Pacific began building a line, under a special Act of Congress, from east Texas to southern California. They ran a dramatic race which reached its climax as construction crews for the roads neared this site. Southern Pacific reached Sierra Blanca on Nov. 25, 1881-- while crews of the T. & P. were 10 miles to the east of here. On Nov. 26, 1881, an agreement was reached by Jay Gould, for the Texas & Pacific, and Collis P. Huntington, for the Southern Pacific, whereby in Sierra Blanca the roads would "approach, meet, and form one continuous line to the Pacific Ocean." The lines were joined here on Dec. 15,1881, and on Dec. 16 transcontinental service was inaugurated. (1968)

Location Map