Details for Neighborhood Surveys

Atlas Number 3001001690


Serial Number NRS79-11707
Property Name Trinity Episcopal Church
Property Address Twenty-Second Street and Avenue G (Winnie)
Architect/Builder John de Young
Owner Episcopal Diocese of Texas, 520 >> cont .
County Galveston
City/Rural Galveston
Block 322
Lot 4-7
UTM Coordinates
Construction Date 1855-1857
Period LSS
Style Early English Gothic Revival
Description 19th Century crenellated Gothic church of the early English parish type. The church is of brick with handsome molded brickwork especially in the hood moldings, string courses, and buttresses; rectangular plan with nave and side aisles under a single pitched roof, central front crenelated tower with lancet openings and stained glass.
Building Material: Wall Brick
Building Material: Roof Copper (new)
Physical Condition Good
Site: Original Yes
Site: Moved No
Site: Date Moved
Alterations 1926: new copper roof and >> cont .
Significance Style of Trinity Episcopal Church imitates an early English Gothic parish church. It has survived numerous natural destructive forces, and is one of the oldest church buildings in continuous use in the Diocese of Texas.
Area of Significance Architecture
Level of Significance State, Local
Designate National Register of Historic Places, Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, HABS, HSI
Original Use Church
Present Use Church
Relationship to Surroundings Eaton Memorial Chapel and more recent additions (school) make up whole block 322.
Acreage/Boundary Description: Approximately one acre. Block 322, City of Galveston, bound by >> cont .
Bibliographic Data See NR file.
See Info/Correspondence Files
Recorded By BCN
Date 11/26/79
Photo Data See NR file
Continuation >>OWNER>> San Jacinto, Houston, TX 77002 >>ALTERATION>> concrete floor; 1916: church raised 1'3"; plexiglass installed >>LGLDESCRPT>> Twenty-Second and Twenty-Third Streets, Avenue G and H.


Front of Trinity Episcopal Church
Front of Trinity Episcopal Church

Location Map