Details for Neighborhood Surveys

Atlas Number 3002004396


Serial Number NRS82-14441
County Jefferson
City/Rural Beaumont
Name East Texas Legal Services(Former Antioch Baptist Church)
Address 527 Forsythe
Owner James MeHaffy
Owner Address 835 Park
Block/Lot Beaumont Lot 412 Block 57 SE 3-5
USGS Quad Number 3094-111
Site Number 054
Date: Factual 1896
Date: Estimated
Style/Type Vernacular gothic revival
Original Use Religion/religious structure
Present Use Commerce and trade/Professional
Description Three story brick and masonry Gothic Revival Church. First story has projecting central brick bay (1978) with recessed aluminum and glass double doors, masonry porches on either side with plain square columns supporting a balcony with brick balustrade. Second and third stories have recessed gable front central bay and two slightly projecting end bays with brick buttresses. Four one over one double hung sash beneath engraved masonry sign, "Antioch Baptist Church", centered on second story. One pair of paneled wooden double doors open onto balcony from each end bay. Four >> cont .
Present Condition >> cont .
Significance Antioch Baptist Church was an important religious and cultural center for Beaumont's black community from 1896 to 1972. It is also one of the oldest surviving religious structures in the city.
Relationship to Site: Moved No
Relationship to Site: Moving Date
Relationship to Site: Original Location No
Relationship to Site: Describe
Recorder D. Bush
Date 05-23-89
Designations: TNRIS No.
Designations: THC Code Number
Designations: RTHL No
Designations: HABS No
Designations: HABS Number
Designations: NR Individual No
Designations: NR Historic District No
Designations: NR Thematic No
Designations: NR Multiple Resource No
Designations: NR Filename
Designations: Other
Photo Data: B&W 4x5's
Photo Data: Slides No
Photo Data: 35mm Negatives No
Continuation >>DESCRIPT>> one over one casement windows set in a Gothic arch are centered on third story with one two light casement window in each end bay. Corbelled brick parapet on central gable. Large masonry finials on the corners of each end bay. >>PRESCOND>> Fair. A large part of the building is unused and deterioration on wood surfaces is evident. Unsympathetic alterations detract from the structure's architectural integrity.

Location Map