Details for Neighborhood Surveys

Atlas Number 3003005298


Serial Number NRS4-21642
Property Name San Angelo Jr. College
Property Address 218 North Oakes
County Tom Green
City/Rural San Angelo
Owner City of San Angelo
Period FDT
Construction Date
Theme ES
Style AACR
Description Three story school with columns in antes at facade; columns are doric and entablature has triglyphs; front piece entrance; 2 arched window at either end of facade.
Significance Attractive classic details
Designation: NR No
Designation: NHL No
Designation: RTHL No
Designation: HABS No
Designation: HAER No
Designation: Other
Original Use Jr. College
Present Use Jr. High School annex
Physical Condition good
Physical Condition: Altered/Unaltered exterior
Construction: Wall brick
Construction: Roof flat
Relationship to Surroundings new athletic facilities under >> cont .
Acreage/Boundary Description
Bibliographic Data
Recorded By Barbara Wyatt
Record Date 7/1/1978
Photographic Data 10
See Info/Correspondence Files
Continuation >>RELATNSURR>> construction to north


Front of San Angelo Jr. College
Front of San Angelo Jr. College

Location Map