Details for Brazoria Bridge

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5039009531


Marker Number 9531
Atlas Number 5039009531
Marker Title Brazoria Bridge
Index Entry Brazoria Bridge
Address SH 332
City Brazoria vicinity
County Brazoria
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 251108
UTM Northing 3217022
Subject Codes bridges; Federal programs; design and construction
Marker Year 1991
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Marker is off SH 332/FM 521 southbound access road (which loops under main road) in roadside park, N side of the Brazos River. 1939 bridge (0.1 mi. S) is now bypassed and on the W side of the SH 332/FM 521 main lanes.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text The town of Brazoria began in 1828 as a port and trading center in Stephen F. Austin's colony. Partially burned in 1836 during the Texas Revolution, it rebuilt and served as county seat until 1897. To escape floods and to enjoy a better life, the townspeople moved to "New Town" near the St. Louis, Brownsville, and Mexico Railway in 1912. This town became "Old Town." The first traffic bridge, built across the Brazos River in this historic region in 1912, provided a vital link between eastern and western Brazoria County. Falling victim to the elements and lack of maintenance, the wood-decked bridge fell into the river in the 1930s. Built in 1939, during the Great Depression, using local labor, county bond money, and funds from the Public Works Administration, this Brazoria bridge sustains the historic transportation route. Nicknamed "The Bridge That Goes to Nowhere" before the soil embankments were built, this 1124' concrete and steel bridge has three Parker through truss spans. It is supported by concrete-filled caisson and concrete piling, and approaches composed of 14 concrete-supported I-beams with steel guard rails. An important example of its style, this Brazoria Bridge is a significant part of Brazoria County history. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1991

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