Details for A.H. Belo House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5113006592


Marker Number 6592
Atlas Number 5113006592
Marker Title A.H. Belo House
Index Entry Belo, A.H., House
Address 2101 Ross Ave.
City Dallas
County Dallas
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 706125
UTM Northing 3629910
Subject Codes residences; design and construction; Classical Revival (architectural style); newspapers; funeral homes
Marker Year 1980
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Arts District Mansion - Dallas Bar Association, NW corner Ross Ave. and N. Pearl St.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion and plate
Marker Text Prominent newspaper publisher Alfred Horatio Belo (1839-1901) was born in North Carolina. He attained the rank of colonel in the Confederate army and came to Texas at the close of the Civil War (1861-65). He went to work for the "Galveston News" and bought out the operation in a few years. In 1885 he opened a "News" branch here, which grew into the prestigious "Dallas Morning News". Looking for a homesite suited to their position, the family selected Ross Avenue, then the city's most elegant address. Belo's wife Nettie (Ennis) (d. 1913) bought a home here in 1888 from A.W. Childress. It was replaced in the 1890s by this Classical Revival residence. Designed by Herbert M. Greene, it reflects influences of the Belo family home in North Carolina. After their marriage in 1900, A.H. Belo, Jr. and his bride Helen (Ponder) came to live with his parents. Members of the Belo family resided here until 1922. Additions were made to the rear and side of the house during the nearly 50 years it was used as a funeral home. Recorded Texas Historical Landmark - 1979

Location Map