Details for Keller-Grunder House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5123002913


Marker Number 2913
Atlas Number 5123002913
Marker Title Keller-Grunder House
Index Entry Keller-Grunder House
Address 409 East Morgan Avenue
City Cuero
County DeWitt
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 666603
UTM Northing 3218194
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; German immigrants/immigration
Marker Year 1979
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 409 East Morgan Avenue, Cuero
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text German native Antone Keller (d. 1857) came to Texas in 1846 as a colonist with the German Emigration Company. He arrived with his family at the port city of Indianola (65 miles southeast), where he later opened a crockery, glassware, and grocery store. He built this house there in 1851 for his second wife Charlotte (Kuester) Keller (1824-1897). Three years after Keller's death, Charlotte married her stepson Antone Keller, Jr. (1836-1900). Following a destructive hurricane that struck Indianola in 1875, they moved the house to this site. Antone, a Confederate veteran, continued to operate his father's Indianola store until after the second major hurricane in 1886, when he moved the business to Cuero. Augusta (Keller) Grunder (1863-1951), the daughter of Antone Keller, Jr., acquired the home in 1900. Her husband Victor J. Grunder (1863-1940) was a prominent Cuero businessman and civic leader. Alterations were made to the residence during their ownership. John Junior Bell (d. 1963), the grandson of Victor and Augusta Grunder, was born in the house in 1910. First elected to public office in 1936, he served in the Texas Legislature (1937-47), the Texas Senate (1948-54), and the United States Congress (1955-57). Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1980

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