Details for Valenzuela Ranch Headquarters

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5127006979


Marker Number 6979
Atlas Number 5127006979
Marker Title Valenzuela Ranch Headquarters
Index Entry Valenzuela Ranch Headquarters
City Catarina
County Dimmit
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes ranches/ranching
Marker Year 1987
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location private property - not located
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Begun in the 1870s by Thomas Kearney (1810 - 1896) and James A. Carr (d. 1894), this became one of the area's largest ranches, comprising 84,600 acres in Dimmit and Webb counties. After Kearney sold his half interest in 1884, Carr retained the western half of the ranch, which became known as Valenzuela. In 1894 Carr sold his ranch to Edward Kotula (1844 - 1907), a San Antonio merchant and important South Texas rancher. The Hispanic-inspired architecture of the house features a thatched roof, stepped buttresses, and stuccoed sandstone walls. RTHL - 1987

Location Map