Details for A. J. Warren Building

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5305000055


Marker Number 55
Atlas Number 5305000055
Marker Title A. J. Warren Building
Index Entry Warren, A. J., Building
Address corner of 8th and Doak Streets
City O'Donnell
County Lynn
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 236295
UTM Northing 3648501
Subject Codes banks, bankers, banking topics; commercial buildings; settlements
Marker Year 1975
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Corner of Eighth and Doak Streets, O'Donnell
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size medallion and plate
Marker Text Farmer and rancher A. J. Warren (1870-1933) moved to this area in 1902 and helped to organize Lynn County in 1903. He built this 2-story brick and concrete edifice in 1925 to house the First National Bank, chartered that year. Competition from another bank led to merger of the two and abandonment of this building in 1926. Various stores and offices occupied the structure before it was acquired by the city of O'Donnell in 1973. It became the O'Donnell Museum in 1974. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1975

Location Map