Details for Eddy Methodist Church

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5309001386


Marker Number 1386
Atlas Number 5309001386
Marker Title Eddy Methodist Church
Index Entry Eddy Methodist Church
Address 404 W. 3rd Street
City Eddy
County McLennan
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 665956
UTM Northing 3463812
Subject Codes eccesiastical buildings; churches; Methodist (Methodist Episcopal and United Methodist) denomination; Praire School (Archictectural style)
Marker Year 1993
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Bruceville-Eddy United Methodist Church at corner of SH 107 and Ausborn St.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text In 1868 a congregation of Methodist living in the Bell and Mclennan county region between Elm and Bull hide Creeks erected a simple sanctary at the site of a nearby cedar log toll bridge. The Rev. James Peeler, a Waco district Methodist Circuit preacher, served the Cedar Bridge Church congregation in 1873. The community of Eddy, known as Marvin when first settled about 1880, moved toward the railroad tracks extended through this area by the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railroad in1882. That year a building known as Sage Chapel was relocated from local rancher Charles Dunning's Land to Eddy for use by the Methodist and Baptist Congregation. Eddy Mothodest erected a new church building at this site in 1892. This sancturary, built in 1912 through the efforts of the Rev. S.B. Knowles, is a good example of an Akron plan Church. It features elaborate German-,ade stained glass windows, a stamped metal ceiling, and Prairie School style infuences sch as overhanging eaves with brackets, a hipped roof,and tower. Bruceville and Eddy Methodist Churches merged to form the Bruceville-Eddy United Methodist Churchin 1983. Renovation of the sanctuary in 1993 included placement of the Bruceville Church Bell in the Belfry.

Location Map