Details for Hoyle Cabin

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5309002507


Marker Number 2507
Atlas Number 5309002507
Marker Title Hoyle Cabin
Index Entry Hoyle Cabin
City Waco
County McLennan
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 672346
UTM Northing 3493790
Subject Codes cabins, log houses
Marker Year 1963
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 421 Rice Ave on western edge of Cameron Park in Waco (on private property)
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Originally situated on and patented in Rusk County about 1853 to Matilda Holye (later Mrs. Purviance Williams). Built 1858 of hand-hewn and saw-notched native yellow pine logs. After 1880, cabin was owned for many years by family of Eli Benjamin (1845-1911) and Julia Kilgore Snelgrove (1850-1928) and their son John B. and his wife Georgia Ann Waldrop Snelgrove. Purchased 1955, moved to Waco, and restored by Roger N. Conger.

Location Map