Details for Midland County

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5329003364


Marker Number 3364
Atlas Number 5329003364
Marker Title Midland County
Index Entry Midland County
Address FM 1788, north of US 80 (Business I-20)
City Midland
County Midland
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 762765
UTM Northing 3535753
Subject Codes counties
Marker Year 1965
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Midland County (Created and organized, March 1885) First known as the junction of many trails and site of the last Comanche raid into Texas. In 1881 the Texas and Pacific Railroad was built; equi-distant between El Paso and Fort Worth, this became known as Midland. First settler was a sheepman in 1882. Cattlemen came with Herefords in 1888. Water wells and windmills lured small farmers. Became headquarters for 1928 Permian Basin oil discovery. In 1945 its first well came in. The "Midland Man", oldest skeletal remains in North America (18,500 B. C.), was found in 1954. (1965)

Location Map