Details for Isaac Parker

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5367002656


Marker Number 2656
Atlas Number 5367002656
Marker Title Isaac Parker
Index Entry Parker, Isaac
Address Eagle Rd. off FM 730, NE of Weatherford
City Weatherford
County Parker
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 623162
UTM Northing 3628391
Subject Codes
Marker Year 1936
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location From Weatherford, take FM 730 about 5 miles NE, turn S onto Ragle Road, and continue 2 miles to intersection with White Settlement. Marker in yard across the street.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 1936 Centennial - Grave Marker (gray granite)
Marker Text To the memory of Isaac Parker pioneer, soldier and law maker. Born April 7, 1793 in Elbert County, Georgia. Came to Texas in 1833. Served in Elisha Clapp's Company in 1836. Member of Congress of the Republic of Texas, 1839-1845, of the Constitutional Convention in 1845. State Senator. Died April 14, 1883 in Parker County. (1936)

Location Map