Details for T-C Ranch House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5391006479


Marker Number 6479
Atlas Number 5391006479
Marker Title T-C Ranch House
Index Entry T-C Ranch House
Address SH 239
City Tivoli
County Refugio
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 687825
UTM Northing 3156241
Subject Codes ranches/ranching; Texas Revolution, Republic of Texas; houses, residential buildings; Irish immigrants/immigration
Marker Year 1972
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location SH 239, W of US 77 on private property.
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Home of Thomas O'Connor (1818-1887), a signer of the Goliad Declaration of Independence on December 20, 1835, as a member of the command of Capt. Phillip Dimmitt. O'Connor was later known as the youngest Texian soldier in the Battle of San Jacinto, wherein on April 21, 1836, Texas won her independence. An orphan in his native county Wexford, Ireland, O'Connor came as a lad to Texas with his uncle, the empresario James Power (1788-1852). In 1838 in San Fernando Church, San Antonio, he married Mary Fagan (1817-1843), and soon brought her to his frontier land grant. The original log cabin built by O'Connor on this site in 1842 served as the family home and ranch headquarters until 1874, when the present structure was erected. This house has foundation and chimneys of bricks made on the ranch of earth from a clay bank on the margin of the San Antonio River, and baked in the ranch kiln. This site has been headquarters since Colonial and Republic of Texas periods for the vast T-C ranching operations, and since 1934 for extensive petroleum developments. It has been home to five generations of the O'Connor family. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1972

Location Map