Details for Sanzenbacher Ranch Headquarters

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507015768


Marker Number 15768
Atlas Number 5507015768
Marker Title Sanzenbacher Ranch Headquarters
Index Entry Sanzenbacher Ranch Headquarters
Address SH 148
City Henrietta
County Clay
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 577115
UTM Northing 3724776
Subject Codes ranches; residences; German immigrants/immigration
Marker Year 2009
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Off SH 148 on private property
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text The Sanzenbacher Ranch began in 1873 when German immigrant Johann (John) Sanzenbacher (1797-1879) bought land in south Clay County near the Fort Richardson- Fort Still military road and the Little Wichita River. Sanzenbacher descendants have continuously operated the ranch since that time. The ranch has operated under several brands, including the original Circle J (1875) and the Cross Turkey Track (1899), which is still in use today. This home was constructed in 1890; the original design was a two-story I-plan house built of dressed stone with arched windows, with two rooms on either side of a center passage. Additions including a two-story rear extension and the front facade columned portico were added by 1910. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2009

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