Details for Maverick-Carter House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507016377


Marker Number 16377
Atlas Number 5507016377
Marker Title Maverick-Carter House
Index Entry Maverick-Carter House
Address 119 Taylor St.
City San Antonio
County Bexar
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 549669
UTM Northing 3255731
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; Romanesque/Richardsonian Romanesque
Marker Year 2010
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text The three-story limestone Maverick-Carter house was constructed on the north side of San Antonio’s central business district in 1893 for real estate developer William Harvey Maverick, son of Texas Declaration of Independence signer Samuel Augustus Maverick. When originally built, the home was situated on the banks of the San Antonio River, which was rechanneled for flood control purposes in 1920. Maverick raised his children in the home and resided here until 1910, when he sold the house to his son, Robert. Attorney and former president of the Texas Bar Association, H.C. Carter, purchased the house in 1914. Carter’s second wife, Aline (Badger), converted the first floor library into a chapel and constructed an observatory on the roof of the home ca. 1925. Aline, a noted poet, artist, astronomer, musician and humanitarian, served as poet laureate of Texas from 1947-49. Aline also taught astronomy to children and hosted an annual Christmas party for San Antonio orphans here in her home. After raising three children and H.C.’s death in 1948, Aline continued to live here until her death in 1972; the home remains in the Carter family. The 23-room home was designed by prominent San Antonio architect Alfred Giles (1853-1920), who also designed at least nine other buildings for the Maverick family. The Richardsonian Romanesque façade features rusticated stone walls and sills, round and arched windows, a rounded tower with a conical roof, a porte-cochere and a slate roof. The house was designed with multiple parlors and bedrooms. Significant interior materials include bird’s eye maple and oak wainscoting, hard pine doors and window frames, sandstone mantelpieces and parquet floors.

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