Details for Friona Women's Clubs

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5369013217


Marker Number 13217
Atlas Number 5369013217
Marker Title Friona Women's Clubs
Index Entry Friona Women's Clubs
Address 304 E. 9th St.
City Friona
County Parmer
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 709374
UTM Northing 3835463
Subject Codes women's clubs
Marker Year 2005
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location NE corner 9th St. and Pierce Ave.
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text By 1898, Friona and several other area townsites had been laid out as switches on the Pecos Valley & Northern Texas Railroad. Settlers soon began arriving in Friona, which incorporated in 1906. Twenty Friona women organized a club in September 1909, meeting in various places for many years while raising money for a meeting house constructed here in 1941. The group, which became part of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs in 1922, generated three other clubs. Each group performed a variety of services, including tree planting, medical aid and founding of the Friona Public Library. The clubhouse has served as a meeting place for the Women's Clubs, as well as for the larger community. (2005)

Location Map