Creating an Account for the Texas Archeological Sites Atlas
Please follow these instructions to create an account for the Texas Archeological Sites Atlas (TASA) and access to the Restricted Cultural Resources (RCRI) data.
1) Registration
Your email
A new password
Repeat the password
Check the box next to "I'm not a robot"
Click the register button
Image 1: Registration
2) Confirmation
Once you click the register button, you should see this confirmation messsage.
Image 2: Registration Confirmation
3) Check Email
Check your email, and you should have received an email from the Texas Historical Commission. In the email click on the blue text that says "here".
Image 3: Email Message
4) Confirm Email
When you click the email link, a browser window should open that says "Confirm Email" containing a link that says "Click here to log in and register".
Click this link.
Image 4: Email Confirmed
5) Log In
browser window should open to the Texas Archeological Sites Atlas Restricted Information Access login webpage.
Fill in your email address
Fill in your password
Click enter
Image 5: Log In
After clicking Enter, the application form for access to Restricted Cultural Resource Information (RCRI) will appear.
6) Application Form
6.1 Name and Title
Select the appropriate salutation from the drop-down box
Fill in your first name
Fill in your middle name or initial
Fill in your last name
Select your suffix the drop-down box, if applicable
Fill in your organization or affiliation
If this application will be sponsored by an institution (such as a university or CRM firm) click the check box.
Fill in Sponsor Information
Click “Choose File” button to attach a PDF of your sponsor letter
Image 6: Application
6.2 Contact Information
Fill in your mailing address
Fill in your city
Select your state from drop-down box
Fill in your zip code
Fill in your phone number
Image 7: Contact information
6.3 Access Qualifications
If you select the “I am qualified for and hereby apply for access to Restricted Cultural Resources Information provided by the Texas Historical Commission” qualification, check the criteria that applies.
If you select the “I do not meet any of the qualification criteria, but have a clear and legitimate scientific or legal interest and would like to apply for access to restricted
cultural data in the possession of the Texas Historical Commission” qualification, fill in the following:
Nature of your scientific or legal interest
Type of information you wish to access
Nature of proposed research
Special user requirements during access
Access start Date
Select Access duration from drop-down.
Image 8: Access Qualifications for Those Meeting Qualification CriteriaImage 9: Access Qualifications for Those Not Meeting Qualification Criteria
6.4 Curriculum Vitae
Click “Choose File” button to attach a PDF or Word document file of your Curriculum Vitae or resume
If you qualify as a professional archeologist then this step is required to demonstrate your qualifications
If you qualify as a steward then you can skip this step. The TASN administrator already has your CV.
If you qualify as either a professor archeologist or steward then you will have to attach a CV.
Image 11: Curriculum Vitae
6.5 Aggreement and Signature
Check the checkbox for “I agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in the Restricted Cultural Resource Information Access Agreement and certify my electronic signature as entered in the signature field of the Access Agreement”
Click the “Submit” button.
Type in your name as you entered at the beginning of the application. In the box next to “Verify that this is your name as entered on this form to server as your digital signature:”
Read the Access Agreement and then click the “Agree” button or the “Do not agree” button. If you click the “Do not agree” button your registration will not be completed.
Your application is now complete.
Image 11: Restricted Cultural Resource Information Accesss Aggreement