Details for Eagle Lake Commercial Historic District

National Register Listing — Atlas Number 2007000494


Property Name Eagle Lake Commercial Historic District
Other Name
County Colorado
Address Roughly bounded by 100-416 East Main Street, 101-108 West Main Street, 101-124 Commerce Street, 101-201 North McCarty Avenue, 100-203 East Post Office Street
City Eagle Lake
Date Listed 6/5/2007
Reference Number 7000494
Multiple Property Name
To SBR 1/20/2007
Vicinity No
Status Listed
Date Removed from National Register
To NPS 4/20/2007
Date Notified
Local Significance Yes
State Significance No
National Significance No
Area of Significance Commerce, Community Planning and Develpment, Architecture
Criteria A (historic events), C (design/architecture)
Architectural Style Classical Revival, Early Commercial
Time Period 1875-1899, 1900-1924, 1925-1949, 1950-1974
Resource Type District
Architect Page, Charles H.

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