Details for Harris County Courthouse

Courthouse — Atlas Number 4302000029


Title Harris County Courthouse
County Harris
City Houston
Address 301 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77002
Zip 77002
Current Use Active Courthouse
Owner County
Service Dates 1910-present
Constructed 1910
Architect Lang, Witchell, & Barglebaugh
Contractor American Construction Co.
Style Classical Revival with Beaux Arts influences
Square Feet 0
SAL Note 1991
NR District
NR Note 1981
NR Yes
HD Eligible No
Description Constructed of buff brick, limestone and granite in the Classical Revival style with Beaux Arts elements. The building features a central dome, an ornamental entablature and four double-height entry porticos supported by Corinthian columns and pediments decorated with ornamental brickwork.
Modifications In 1953 extensive interior remodeling. Renovated by Finger & Rustay in 1956 and designated Civil Courts Building. In 1990, the third-floor stair landing enclosed. Rededicated on August 23, 2011, after restoration the public parts of the interior to its 1910 condition. Marble walls and plaster ornamentation were ripped out and covered up, the rotunda was sealed off and the glass skylight at the bottom of the dome was removed. On the exterior, the dome’s lantern cap went missing and the massive staircases on the east and west sides that led up to a second story entrance were removed and the entrances were moved to the first floor. To restore the interior, historic preservationists had to rely on remnants found from the original building, historic photographs, of which there were few, recollections of county residents who worked or visited the courthouse before the remodeling and examples of the original architects other work for reference. The 1910 courthouse closed in 2006 and the actual construction phase began in February of 2009.
Deed Covenant Expiration
Federal Grant Project
Federal Grant Year
State Grant Project
State Grant Amount 0
State Grant Year
Historic Structure Report Date
Historic Structure Report Author
Master Plan Date
Master Plan Author
Historic American Buildings Survey
County Population (1995)
Easement Easement
Easement Executed 8/9/2005
Easement Expiration perpetuity
Master Plan Yes
Architect Firm Lang, Witchell & Barglebaugh (Otto H. Lang & Frank O. Witchell of Dallas)
Bibliography The People's Architecture ; Houston Then and Now, by William Dylan Powell, Thunder Bay Press, San Diego, California, 2003.
Construction Docs plans (THCPP MP, 1/2 size copy of plans in THC flat files), plans (conjectural) The People's Architecture pg. 210 (1983 ABT), Plans - Alterations (1953, THC flat files)
Interior Images Courtroom 1934 Houston Bar Association Archives, Auditing Depatment Office 1924 THCPP MP, Auditor's Office 1935 THCPP MP


Harris County Courthouse ca.1950
Harris County Courthouse ca.1950

Location Map