Details for Park Hotel

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5025003936


Marker Number 3936
Atlas Number 5025003936
Marker Title Park Hotel
Index Entry Park Hotel
Address 8937 US 181
City Tuleta
County Bee
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 617219
UTM Northing 3161108
Subject Codes buildings; inns, hotels, motels; design and construction
Marker Year 1994
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location US 181, W side on private property
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Reinhart C.M. Nelson, one of many midwesterners lured to the area by the promotional literature of land developers, moved his family here from Minnesota in 1905. He built this structure in 1910. Named for its park-like setting, it is an unusual example of standard 20th century hotel form. It features innovative concrete construction, distinctive cast concrete Classical columns, and a wraparound porch. The building was converted for use as a private residence in 1920. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1995

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