Details for Muehlhause House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5027003524


Marker Number 3524
Atlas Number 5027003524
Marker Title Muehlhause House
Index Entry Muehlhause House
Address 620 S. Main St.
City Belton
County Bell
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 646391
UTM Northing 3436308
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; municipal official; Queen Anne (Architectural style); German immigrants/immigration
Marker Year 1994
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Northwest corner S. Main St. and Ave. F
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text German immigrant Fred Muehlhause, Sr. (1868-1947) arrived in Texas in 1885. He married Louise Albrecht in 1892, and later that year the couple moved to a home located adjacent to this homesite. Muehlhause worked as a craftsman shoemaker and repairman, and in 1906 established the Belton Shoe Shop in the city's downtown business district. Muehlhause was active in community affairs and became a respected civic leader. In 1907 he was elected Belton city alderman. Prominent Belton builder James M. Scott constructed this residence in 1908 using written specifications provided by Fred Muehlhause. The structure exhibits elements of the Queen Anne architectural style and features a hipped roof with lower cross gables; a wraparound porch; a bay window; hipped dormers facing east, south, and west; and shingled gable ends. Water for domestic purposes was provided by an 18-foot deep spring-fed cistern lined with limestone blocks and located just to the rear of the house. Two of the Muehlhauses' seven children eventually lived in homes built by their father on nearby lots along this avenue. This house and its outbuildings, including a carriage house, wash house, and smoke house, remained in the Muehlhause Family until 1992. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1994


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