Details for The Argyle

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5029000197


Marker Number 197
Atlas Number 5029000197
Marker Title The Argyle
Index Entry Argyle, The
Address 934 Patterson Ave.
City Alamo Heights
County Bexar
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 551220
UTM Northing 3260795
Subject Codes ranches/ranching; houses, design and construction; land development; food topics
Marker Year 1972
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location NW corner Patterson and Argyle avenues. Marker is at NE corner of the building near covered entrance.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion and plate
Marker Text Built 1859 by Charles Anderson as headquarters for a 1400-acre house ranch. Leaving San Antonio on Civil War's eve, Anderson sold to poet Hiram McLane who lived here 30 years. In 1890 at Alamo Heights' creation, a subdivider named the mansion for his native Argyllshire, Scotland. The O'Grady family, formerly of Boerne, bought the Argyle in 1893, making it famous for hospitality and food. The classic "Argyle Cook Book" was published in 1940. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1972

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