Details for Carl Wilhelm August Groos House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5029002287


Marker Number 2287
Atlas Number 5029002287
Marker Title Carl Wilhelm August Groos House
Index Entry Groos, Carl Wilhelm August, House
Address 335 King William St.
City San Antonio
County Bexar
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 549119
UTM Northing 3253976
Subject Codes youth organizations; houses, residential buildings; Victorian (architectural term); design and construction; Gothic Revial (Architectural style); German immigrants/immigration
Marker Year 1977
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 335 King William St., San Antonio
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text One of the founders of the Groos National Bank, Carl W. Goos (1830-1893) came to Texas from Germany in 1848. The Groos home designed by Alfred Giles, was built in 1880 by John H. Campmann. Porch detailing on the Victorian residence reveals Gothic Revival influence. Occupied until 1948 by descendants of Groos and his wife Hulda (Moureau), the limestone structure was acquired in 1957 by the San Antonio area council of Girl Scouts, Inc. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark --1977.

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