Details for Phillip A. Dalby Homestead

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5037012406


Marker Number 12406
Atlas Number 5037012406
Marker Title Phillip A. Dalby Homestead
Index Entry Dalby, Phillip A., Homestead
City DeKalb vicinity
County Bowie
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings
Marker Year 1966
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 11 miles south of DeKalb on US 259, then 3.3 mi. west on County Line Rd.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text In Dalby family since 1841. On land given Dalby by Republic of Texas. Original room (northeast part of house) is of oak logs pegged together. Logs and floor boards were hand-hewn. By 1856 Dalby had 8 children. House, then enlarged, was scene of singings, socials, quiltings, logrollings. Teachers boarded here. Freighters camped in yard. Passed to Phillip Dalby's son, A. J., 1872; his grandson, Clyde N., 1927. Remodeled in 1948. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1966.

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