Details for The 1937 Pearland High School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5039011765


Marker Number 11765
Atlas Number 5039011765
Marker Title The 1937 Pearland High School
Index Entry Pearland High School, The 1937
Address 2319 N. Grand
City Pearland
County Brazoria
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes educational buildings; educational topics
Marker Year 1999
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text A terrible storm ravaged Pearland in 1915. Among the important structures it destroyed was the town's high school. For the next 22 years, Pearland teenagers traveled to Webster to attend classes. The long commute severly curtailed their involvement in school and community life. Despite the difficulties of farm life and the depression years, it was important to the townspeople that they be able to educate their children in Pearland. In 1937 they approved a new school bond. Architect Henry Stubee designed the new high school building and the Morgan Bouiffle Construction Company of Houston erected it. Fifty-eight students attended Pearland High School in fall 1937. The first challenge they and their carefully assembled faculty tackled was that of accreditation. This was achieved in the school's first year so that every Pearland graduate would have the option of going on to college. The school was a focal point for social and recreational activities as well as academics. The Pearland Oilers excelled at several popular sports; THE GUSHER, later called THE PIPELINE, was the school newspaper. The yearbook also was called THE GUSHER. Other groups such as the Boys' Travel Club, the Spanish Club and the Choral Club also were active. The school colors were deep maroon and white. The structure is a typical early 20th century schoolhouse made of brick veneer, a solid material built to withstand time and weather. It survives with few alterations. Architectural features of interest include the offset central entry bay with shed dormers. A new high school was erected in 1953 and this structure became part of the Pearland elementary schools. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1999 Incise: Pearland's first accredited high school, Common School District Number 1, Brazoria County Public Schools, 1937-1938 J. Paul Rogers, Superintendent County Schools B. B. Ainsworth, Superintendent Pearland Schools Board of Trustees: George M. Wall, president; Clyde Oblinger, secretary; F. E. Moore, member Teaching Staff: B. B. Ainsworth, superintendent and teacher; Billy M. Wall, principal and teacher; Lloyd C. Hawkins, coach and teacher; Oleta Campbell (Hawkins), teacher; Fay Brookshire (Hunter), teacher; Hazel Skinner (Muetz), teacher; Virginia Ainsworth, librarian.

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