Details for Thomas Kraitchar, Jr. House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5051008639


Marker Number 8639
Atlas Number 5051008639
Marker Title Thomas Kraitchar, Jr. House
Index Entry Kraitchar, Jr., Thomas, House
Address 200 E. Buck St.
City Caldwell
County Burleson
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 721512
UTM Northing 3380176
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; Victorian (architectural term)
Marker Year 1983
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 200 E. Buck St. at Porter St., Caldwell
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text A fine example of a Victorian cottage-style residence, this home was built in 1891 for Thomas Kraitchar, Jr. (1870-1946). A merchant by profession, Kraitchar also served terms as the Burleson County Tax Collector and as a Caldwell City Alderman. His house, of cypress construction, features a five-bay symmetrical facade with a central gable. It remained in the Kraitchar family until 1982.

Location Map