Details for Launching Site of First U.S. Army Warplane

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5061003048


Marker Number 3048
Atlas Number 5061003048
Marker Title Launching Site of First U.S. Army Warplane
Index Entry Launching Site of First U.S. Army Warplane
Address 98 Taylor Avenue
City Brownsville
County Cameron
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 650996
UTM Northing 2865370
Subject Codes aviation; military topics
Marker Year 1966
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Fort Brown Reservation on May Street, near intersection of May Street and Taylor Avenue
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text From Old Fort Brown Cavalry Drill Field, near this spot, was made the first flight of a U.S. Army plane to be fired upon in armed hostilities, April 20, 1915. Two Signal Corps officers, Lts. Byron Q. Jones and Thos. Milling, flew a Martin T.O. Curtiss 75 on the border to spot movements of Mexican revolutionist Pancho Villa. They reached 2,600 feet; were up 20 minutes. Though they did not cross the Rio Grande, the plane was hit by machine gun and small arms fire. Their patrols lasted 6 weeks. Planes were used more effectively in fighting against Villa in 1916.

Location Map