Details for Brazos Santiago Pass and Brazos Island Military Depot

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5061011777


Marker Number 11777
Atlas Number 5061011777
Marker Title Brazos Santiago Pass and Brazos Island Military Depot
Index Entry Brazos Santiago Pass and Brazos Island Military Depot
City South Padre Island
County Cameron
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 684196
UTM Northing 2884711
Subject Codes Mexican War; Civil War; water topics; military topics
Marker Year 1996
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Isla Blanca Park, near intersection of Park Rd. 100 & Channelview
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Named by the Spanish, Brazos Santiago Pass is a narrow passageway extending inward from the sea. The pass lies between Brazos Island and Padre Island. The changing depths of the pass channel kept large vessels from entering, but offered seclusion to smaller ships. The entire area proved strategically important in a variety of military conflicts. Brazos Santiago harbor became part of the Texas revolution when the Texas warship "Invincible" heavily damaged the Mexican warship "Bravo" in April 1836. Supplies bound for the Mexican Army did not reach their destination. In 1846, U. S. Army General Zachary Taylor set up a military depot at the mouth of Brazos Santiago Pass on Brazos Island. during the war with Mexico, thousands of volunteers were encamped here, awaiting transfer to other locations. In February 1861, the U. S. Army surrendered the depot to forces of the stat eof Texas prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. Federal soldiers landed unopposed in 1863 at Brazos Island, taking Fort Brown and Brownsville, only to abandon them less than a year later. In May 1865, the last battle of the Civil War was fought at nearby Palmito Ranch. The depot was abandoned following hurricane damage in 1867. (1996)