Details for Smith-Hoyt-Youngs House
Historical Marker —
Atlas Number 5067009831
Marker Number |
9831 |
Atlas Number |
5067009831 |
Marker Title |
Smith-Hoyt-Youngs House |
Index Entry |
Smith-Hoyt-Youngs House |
Address |
606 E. Hiram St. |
City |
Atlanta |
County |
Cass |
UTM Zone |
15 |
UTM Easting |
392122 |
UTM Northing |
3664490 |
Subject Codes |
houses and residences; Queen Anne (architectural style) |
Marker Year |
1963 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark |
Yes |
Marker Location |
SW corner E. Hiram and Harvey streets. RTHL medallion on fence along sidewalk. |
Private Property |
No |
Marker Condition |
In Situ |
Marker Size |
RTHL medallion |
Marker Text |
no text (RTHL medallion) |