Details for Prisoner of War Camp Chapel

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5069003902


Marker Number 3902
Atlas Number 5069003902
Marker Title Prisoner of War Camp Chapel
Index Entry Prisoner of War Camp Chapel
Address US 385
City Dimmitt
County Castro
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 741479
UTM Northing 3847836
Subject Codes World War II; churches
Marker Year 1981
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location W side US 385, 0.4 mi NW of FM 2943. See also Prisoner of War Camp Chapel marker (Atlas no. 4123) in Deaf Smith County.
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text (3 mi. W) Near this site during World War II the Hereford Military Reservation and Reception Center, a prisoner of war camp, was established. During nearly three years of operation, approximately 7000 Italian soldiers were imprisoned. Through their work on area farms and such projects as the painting of religious murals in St. Mary's Catholic Church at Umbarger (25 mi. NE), many of the soldiers made lasting friendships with local residents and with American troops at the camp. The center's chapel, constructed by the prisoners, is the only building remaining at the site. (1982)

Location Map