Details for Morgan Hospital

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5075003471


Marker Number 3471
Atlas Number 5075003471
Marker Title Morgan Hospital
Index Entry Morgan Hospital
Address 400 7th St. NW
City Childress
County Childress
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 388211
UTM Northing 3809449
Subject Codes Colonial Revival (architectural style); buildings; hospitals; medical topics and health professionals
Marker Year 1982
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location SW corner 7th St. SW and Ave. D SW. Marker reported faded Sep. 2018.
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text One of the earliest medical care facilities in Childress, this double-galleried building was constructed in 1916 to house the clinic of Dr. J.D. Michie and Dr. H.D. Barnes. Nine years later it was purchased by Dr. T.M. Morgan, who operated the facility as the Morgan Hospital until his death in 1941. The building, which reflects influences of the Colonial Revival style, now serves as a reminder of the medical care provided by the town's early physicians. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1982