Details for James Menees Lindsay

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5097012479


Marker Number 12479
Atlas Number 5097012479
Marker Title James Menees Lindsay
Index Entry Lindsay, James Menees
Address 710 Fair Ave.
City Gainesville
County Cooke
UTM Zone
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Subject Codes law, lawyers; judges; land surveys, land companies, promotional towns
Marker Year 2001
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location in Fairview Cemetery
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size grave marker
Marker Text (Dec. 31, 1835 - May 3, 1919) J. M. Lindsay graduated from Cumberland Law School in his native Tennessee in 1857 and arrived in Gainesville on his 22nd birthday. His political and legal career included the following offices: state legislator, member of Gainesville's first city council, delegate to the 1866 State Constitutional Convention, and judge of the 16th Judicial District. One of Gainesville's largest landowners in his day, Judge Lindsay helped bring the railroad to town, donated land for churches and schools, and developed numerous businesses, resulting in his legacy as a significant civic leader. Recorded - 2001

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