Details for William L. and Emma Hawkins House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5139007113


Marker Number 7113
Atlas Number 5139007113
Marker Title William L. and Emma Hawkins House
Index Entry Hawkins, William L. and Emma, House
Address 803 Avenue G
City Midlothian
County Ellis
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 687894
UTM Northing 3595643
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; Queen Anne (Architectural style); women
Marker Year 1994
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Corner of 2nd St. and Ave. G., Midlothian
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text William L. Hawkins, the son of area pioneer settlers, and his wife Emma (Barker) purchased land and a house here in 1892. They removed the original structure in 1901 and hired local wood artisan Will Price to build this house. Made of imported cypress timber, it was completed in 1903. It features an asymmetrical Queen Anne design and ornate wood trim hand carved by Price. Prominent businessman Tom Dees and his wife Mattie (Hawkins) purchased the house in 1905, and in 1913 the property was acquired by Edward and Mollie Byrd. It remained in the Byrd family until 1957.