Details for Hermes House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5149013237


Marker Number 13237
Atlas Number 5149013237
Marker Title Hermes House
Index Entry Hermes House
Address 541 N Main St.
City La Grange
County Fayette
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 704558
UTM Northing 3310489
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; Victorian (architectural term); German immigrants/immigration
Marker Year 2004
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 541 N. Main St.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text German native Dr. William A. Hermes moved to La Grange in 1855 to practice medicine. He opened Hermes Drug Store the following year with his partner, Dr. Eck. His two sons, August and William, Jr., earned pharmacy degrees and joined the family business. In October 1892, Dr. Hermes gave this house as a wedding gift to William, Jr. and his bride, Augusta Pauline (Willenberg), also a native of La Grange. Here, William, Jr. and Augusta reared two children, Myrta and Gilbert, who also became a pharmacist at the family store. Since the arrival of Dr. Hermes in 1855, the family has played an active and philanthropic role in church and community organizations, and contributed to La Grange businesses, schools and health services. The two-story residence was built with second-hand lumber and cypress clapboard siding. The asymmetrical Folk Victorian home features a double gallery, ornate fretwork, a decorative vergeboard at the peak of the front gable, bay windows, two-over-two lights, jigsawn porch detailing and vertical massing. The family began constructing additions to the home soon after occupying it in 1892. In effect a city farmstead, the site includes several other vernacular structures, such as a gazebo, an outhouse, buggy house, garage, servant quarters, smokehouse, barns and chickenhouse. Evidence uncovered by family members during restoration work indicates that water from a 1913 flood rose to four feet inside the house. Today, the complex of buildings at this site represents a transition from rural farm life at the turn of the 20th century to city life more than 100 years later. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 2004

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