Details for Dambach-Besier Home
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5171010026
Marker Number | 10026 |
Atlas Number | 5171010026 |
Marker Title | Dambach-Besier Home |
Index Entry | Dambach-Besier Home |
Address | 515 E. Main St. |
City | Fredericksburg |
County | Gillespie |
UTM Zone | 14 |
UTM Easting | 512826 |
UTM Northing | 3348698 |
Subject Codes | houses, residential buildings; German immigrants/immigration |
Marker Year | 1985 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | No |
Marker Location | |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | 18" x 28" |
Marker Text | This rock house was probably built by F. Dambach, who bought the lot in 1867 for $70 and sold it two years later for $450. This was a full-time residence rather than a weekend "Sunday House." The porch was added during the ownership of Anna Besier, who acquired the property in 1881. The widow of George Besier, Anna moved into town so her four children would be close to school. She kept cows in a pasture across the street and sold milk, butter, and cheese. The Besier family owned the property until 1966. |