Details for The William Rausch House
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5171010099
Marker Number | 10099 |
Atlas Number | 5171010099 |
Marker Title | The William Rausch House |
Index Entry | Rausch, William, House |
Address | 107 S. Lincoln |
City | Fredericksburg |
County | Gillespie |
UTM Zone | 14 |
UTM Easting | 512409 |
UTM Northing | 3349258 |
Subject Codes | houses, residential buildings; German immigrants/immigration |
Marker Year | 1985 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | Yes |
Marker Location | |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | Medallion & Plate |
Marker Text | Gillespie County native William Rausch (1884-1939) and his wife, Olga (d. 1943), bought this property in 1894. They lived in an existing house until 1906, when they built this home. A stonemason and carpenter by trade, Rausch probably did much of the construction himself. The German vernacular limestone structure features a central gable with jig-cut decorative trim. the home remained in the Rausch family until 1943. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1985 |