Details for Thomas V. Munson Home

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5181007411


Marker Number 7411
Atlas Number 5181007411
Marker Title Thomas V. Munson Home
Index Entry Munson, Thomas V., Home
Address 530 W. Hanna St.
City Denison
County Grayson
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 727557
UTM Northing 3736025
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings
Marker Year 1967
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 530 W. Hanna St. at Mirick St. Two markers -- Thomas V. Munson Home mounted on house, and Home of Thomas V. Munson at curb (see text field for both inscriptoions)
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text Home built by world-famed scientist. Munson (1843-1913) was born in Illinois; educated in Kentucky; married Ellen Scott Bell, 1870; had eleven children.Settled in Denison 1876, and developed extensive nurseries.Built this Victorian home of brick with wood trim in 1887. An 1888 guest in the house was French Minister of Agriculture, who came here to give Munson (as reward for saving vineyards) Medal of French Legion of Honor. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1967 [marker attached to house] Home of Thomas Munson(1843-1913) World famed grape culturist. Earned second degree ever given at Kentucky A. & M. College (1870) Moved to Denison 1876; became a civic leader and had nurseries for wide varieties of plants. In 1880s helped France save vineyards from root disease, and became second American ever named to French Legion of Honor. His scientific papers filed in Washington, D. C., are still used by horticulturists. He and his wife built this home 1887. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1967 [marker at curbside]

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