Details for Norwood House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5185008605


Marker Number 8605
Atlas Number 5185008605
Marker Title Norwood House
Index Entry Norwood House
Address 207 Ketchum
City Navasota
County Grimes
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 780525
UTM Northing 3365643
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; design and construction; Queen Anne (Architectural style)
Marker Year 1984
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 207 Ketchum, Navasota.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Built to serve as the first residence of Ewing and Mattie (Brosig) Norwood, this house was completed in 1898, while Ewing Norwood was president of the First National Bank of Navasota. Designed and built by local architect Ernest Lord, the home exhibits Queen Anne influences in the entry and porch detailing and features a depressed arch and a balustrade over the entryway. The house remained in the Norwood family for more than sixty years. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1984

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