Details for George Francis Home_Dublin Plantation

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5187002152


Marker Number 2152
Atlas Number 5187002152
Marker Title George Francis Home_Dublin Plantation
Index Entry Francis, George, Home
Address Cottonwood Creek Rd.
City Kingsbury
County Guadalupe
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 617767
UTM Northing 3286605
Subject Codes Texas Revolution, roads; houses, residential buildings; Civil War; military topics
Marker Year 1968
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Off Cottonwood Creek Rd. on private property.
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text [first plate] Built by George Francis, who was in First Regiment, Volunteers, and in Co. A, Second Regiment, Texas Cavalry, during the 1836 Texas War for Independence.In 1848 he brought his wife, Margaret Ann Rector Francis, and their family to Texas, and in 1849 erected this house on York's Creek. At this point is crossing used by San Antonio-to-Bastrop mail route of 1870. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1968 [second plate] The six Confederate sons of George Francis, going from this house to the Civil War, were: Edward, Color Sergeant, 4th Texas Infantry, killed at Chickamauga; George, a surgeon, who died in service at Galveston; John, in the Charles DeMorse Regiment, Texas Cavalry; Joseph, with Sibley's Brigade, which fought 1862 in New Mexico; Pendleton, in Co. A, 4th Regiment, Texas Cavalry, who died in 1864 Battle of Mansfield; Wesley, in Hood's Texas Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. (1968)

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