Details for Deer Park

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5201010647


Marker Number 10647
Atlas Number 5201010647
Marker Title Deer Park
Index Entry Deer Park
Address 1402 Center St.
City Deer Park
County Harris
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 294472
UTM Northing 3287350
Subject Codes cities and towns; land surveys, land companies, promotional towns
Marker Year 1991
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location in front of Municipal Court building
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Illinois native Simeon Henry West (1827-1920) settled in this vicinity in 1892 hoping to develop the area, with its mild climate and proximity to waterways, into a farming and trading center. By the year's end, he had purchased property and platted the town of Deer Park, naming it after a nearby private park inhabited by many deer. After completing the Deer Park Hotel in 1893, West marketed his development primarily to Northerners. More than ninety settlers moved here, attracted by the prospects for fruit and tobacco farming and the trade links to the Houston & Northern Railway and Houston's waterways that West was developing. The promising town was nearly destroyed in the hurricane of 1900, after which every family except one returned North. A few people moved to Deer Park in later years. In 1905, the Edwin Rice Brown family leased as their family home the Deer Park Hotel, the focal point of area social life. However, the town's population remained very small. Not until 1928, when Shell Chemical Company relocated here, did a new period of growth begin. Deer Park's business district, churches, and schools were reestablished, and in 1948 the citizens of Deer Park voted to incorporate.

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