Details for John Matthews McDonald

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5213013285


Marker Number 13285
Atlas Number 5213013285
Marker Title John Matthews McDonald
Index Entry McDonald, John Matthews
Address 400 S. Prairieville St.
City Athens
County Henderson
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 230633
UTM Northing 3565904
Subject Codes municipal official; judges; government officials
Marker Year 2004
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Athens Cemetery
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text North Carolina-born John Matthews McDonald (1827-1883) came to Texas in 1848 and lived first at Larissa, Cherokee Co. and then Mound Prairie, Anderson Co., where his brother Murdoch earlier settled. Two years later, he moved to the young town of Athens and became a teacher and a lawyer. He also served as the town's first mayor. He wed Mary Ann Elizabeth Pinson (1842-1931) in 1858, and the couple had ten children. During the Civil War, McDonald fought with the Confederate Army as part of Hood's Texas Brigade. Active in public service, he held the offices of justice of the peace, county judge and state representative. His pioneer leadership proved vital to the early development of his adopted home. (2005)

Location Map