Details for Cedar Branch Community School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5225012747


Marker Number 12747
Atlas Number 5225012747
Marker Title Cedar Branch Community School
Index Entry Cedar Branch Community School
Address 14.6 mi. W of Grapeland on FM 227
City Grapeland
County Houston
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 244250
UTM Northing 3481415
Subject Codes educational topics; African American topics
Marker Year 2002
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 14.6 mi. W of Grapeland on FM 227
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Cedar Branch Community School The first written record of a school for the children of Cedar Branch appears in the Houston County Judge's Report of 1888. When the members of Cedar Branch Church constructed a new sanctuary in 1895, they donated the previous church building for use as a schoolhouse. By 1911, Cedar Branch had been designated as Common School District No. 8, and a two-room schoolhouse was later built on this site with support from the Julius Rosenwald Fund. In 1952, along with other nearby schools, Cedar Branch Community School District consolidated with Grapeland Independent School District. Long a focal point of the community, Cedar Branch School remains important to the area's heritage. (2002)

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