Details for Antioch Primitive Baptist Church
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5241010432
Marker Number | 10432 |
Atlas Number | 5241010432 |
Marker Title | Antioch Primitive Baptist Church |
Index Entry | Antioch Primitive Baptist Church |
Address | Antioch Road |
City | Buna |
County | Jasper |
UTM Zone | 15 |
UTM Easting | 403688 |
UTM Northing | 3372271 |
Subject Codes | Baptist denomination; churches |
Marker Year | 1972 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | No |
Marker Location | Antioch Road (CR 701), west of FM 1004 |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | 18" x 28" |
Marker Text | Organized 1841 in the home of John and Mary Richardson. Nancy Laird, James and John Richardson, and Elders Levi A. Durham, Edward Parsons, and Josiah Wheat acted as Presbytery. Charter members: Elijah Allen, Mary Bolin, Martha Crockett, Jeremiah Day, Hilliard and Sarah Durdin, Olive Hart, Joseph and Nancy Laird; Benjamin, Eliza, James, John, Mary (1), Mary (2), Rebecca and Robert Richardson. Services have been held here regularly since first house of worship (made of logs) was built at this site in 1842. Antioch Cemetery was established 1850. (1972) |