Details for Early Schools in Live Oak County

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5297001363


Marker Number 1363
Atlas Number 5297001363
Marker Title Early Schools in Live Oak County
Index Entry Early Schools in Live Oak County (George West)
Address Houston St.
City George West
County Live Oak
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 586064
UTM Northing 3133997
Subject Codes schools; educational topics
Marker Year 1975
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location in front of George West High School
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Until the 1870's, Live Oak county had private schools taught by clergymen and ranch employees in cabins, brush arbors, dugouts. County Judge G.W. Jones initiated (1876) community schools with tuition set at 71/2 cents a day per student. In time there were 43 of these small schools. Oakville in 1881 erected the county's first building for a free school and in 1899 had the first independent district. By 1917 George West and Three Rivers also had independent districts. Consolidations began in 1940, when the county had 9,799 people. By 1970, two consolidated schools served the entire county. (1975) [See school district names on back] Schools absorbed by George West: Anna Rose, Bell Kidd, Booth, Cadiz, Cardwell, Clegg, Cornelia, Dinero, Dobie, Goodwin, Gussettville, Hyman, Jarratt, Lagarto, Lapara, Leopard, Lewis, Lyne, Mahala, Marbach, Mikeska, Mote, Oakridge, Oakville, Ramirena, Votaw

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