Details for Gussettville

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5297002310


Marker Number 2310
Atlas Number 5297002310
Marker Title Gussettville
Index Entry Gussettville
Address FM 799, off US 59, 5 mi Se of George West
City Gussettville
County Live Oak
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 594599
UTM Northing 3131186
Subject Codes cities and towns; land surveys, land companies, promotional towns; Roman Catholic denomination; Irish immigrants/immigration; stagecoach routes, stands, etc.
Marker Year 1967
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location From George West take US 59 east about 2.5 miles turn south on FM 799 and continue about 3 miles to cemetery
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Founded by Irish catholics of McMullen and McGloin colony in 1830's. Called "Fox nation" for the Fox family, was renamed Gussettville in 1850's in honor of N. Gussett, owner of general store. First Catholic church in Live Oak County built here 1874. Land for church and part of the cemetery was given by Thomas Shannon and his wife Anne. A stagecoach stop on San Antonio-Brownsville line, town prospered until by-passed by railroad. Typical of hundreds of early towns that faded as train service diverted traffic. Church is chief remaining structure.

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