Details for Lagarto Cemetery

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5297003008


Marker Number 3008
Atlas Number 5297003008
Marker Title Lagarto Cemetery
Index Entry Lagarto Cemetery
Address Off CR 180, via FM 534 from Lagrato
City Lagarto
County Live Oak
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 602791
UTM Northing 3111623
Subject Codes cemetery
Marker Year 1983
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location from FM 534 in Lagarto, take CR 174 0.1 mile east turn left onto CR 180 and drive 0.2 mile to gates. Go through gate on right and continue 0.4 mile to cemetery
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text In the early 1870's an unknown traveler died at the home of Samuel and Mary Beall, proprietors of a general store in the ranching town of Lagarto. The Bealls buried the man at a site on their property. In 1876, land surrounding the gravesite was formally set aside as the Lagarto Cemetery when Sam and Mary Beall sold two acres of their land to J.W. Ramey, Cornelius Clay Cox, and T.P. McNeill, trustees for the Lagarto Community Cemetery. The grave of the unknown man is identified only by a caliche rock cover, as are two other burial sites in the cemetery. The oldest marked grave, that of two year old Isabel Harrison, is dated October 12, 1876. Others buried here include Charles H. Fusselman (1866-1890), who was shot in Presidio county while serving as a Texas ranger, and John Pollan (1808-1890), who fought in the Texas war for Independence. Although the population of Lagarto declined after the railroad bypassed it in 1887, its citizens have continued to use the cemetery since the 1870's. Descendants of the town's pioneers still live in the area, which has become the site of development along Lake Corpus Christi.

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