Details for Town of Dinero

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5297006290


Marker Number 6290
Atlas Number 5297006290
Marker Title Town of Dinero
Index Entry Dinero
Address FM 534
City Dinero
County Live Oak
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 602135
UTM Northing 3122971
Subject Codes cities and towns; writers and poets
Marker Year 1970
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location FM 534, 0.1 mi. E of CR 349 on private property. Map dot approximate.
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Dinero was settled in the year 1838 by farmers and ranchers. The town was first named "Barlow" after the local ferry operator. The townspeople were instrumental in organizing Live Oak County, 1856; they started a school by 1858. By about 1872, rumors of money ("dinero" in Spanish) buried here led the town to change its name. A post office was established in 1885. Town buildings were moved a mile west, 1913, to be on a new rail line. In 1925 Dinero piped its first natural gas to Houston. Oil and gas continue to bolster its economy. The local landmark is hanging tree (200 yards southwest). One famous resident was J. Frank Dobie (1888-1964), Texas author. (1970)

Location Map