Details for Spanish Explorers' Route

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5305004999


Marker Number 4999
Atlas Number 5305004999
Marker Title Spanish Explorers' Route
Index Entry Spanish Explorers' Route
Address FM 211
City Wilson
County Lynn
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 245823
UTM Northing 3690270
Subject Codes Exploration and expeditions; roads
Marker Year 1967
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location W. M. D. Green Memorial Park
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text A prehistoric road discovered and used by Indians, Spaniards, United States Army units, and cattle drovers. It crossed the Llano Estacado from Gholson Spring (7 mi. E. of present-day Slaton), to Tahoka Lake (3 mi. S. of Wilson), then to Tobacco Creek, Big Spring, and the North Concho. Here passed many 17th century Spanish visitors: Father Salas, coming from New Mexico in 1629 on pleas of Jumano Indians to preach to them; Captains Hernan Martin and Diego del Castillo, exploring in 1650; Captain Diego de Guadalajara, seeking pearls and other treasure, in 1654. Incise on back: Historian - Dr. W. C. Holden Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1967