Details for McCulloch County Courthouse

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5307003286


Marker Number 3286
Atlas Number 5307003286
Marker Title McCulloch County Courthouse
Index Entry McCulloch County Courthouse
City Brady
County McCulloch
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 468069
UTM Northing 3444510
Subject Codes courthouses; Romanesque/Richardsonian Romanesque (Architectural style)
Marker Year 1967
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Courthouse square, US 87/377 at US 190
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text County organized 1876, with Brady as county seat; first courthouse built 1879. Present courthouse (second and on same site) completed 1900; Martin and Moodie, contractors, for "turn key" construction. Local labor and materials were used as far as practical. Native sandstone from local quarries. Modified Roman architecture employing arch vault. Victorian cupola; pine woodwork, flooring, at time of construction. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1967